03: The Highland dimension to Empire with a Jacobite twist, 1707-53

03: The Highland dimension to Empire with a Jacobite twist, 1707-53

03: The Highland dimension to Empire with a Jacobite twist, 1707-53

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by Prof. Allan Macinnes


While the Union of 1707 is particularly identified in Scotland with the Whigs and the Presbyterians, the predominantly Episcopalian and Jacobite Highlands also took advantage of the political and commercial opportunities opening up in the British Empire in the first half of the eighteenth century. This talk explores the incursions of leading clans and satellite families in America, Asia and Africa, not just in terms of their acquisitive geographic presence but also of their colonial engagement in commodity exchange. Case studies, drawn from different Highland districts, examine the integral and the peripheral participation of clans in Empire and how this participation impacted on political support up to the last Jacobite plot in 1753.

Image caption: Skipness Castle in Kintyre, cradle of the hugely successful Campbells of Skipness, Shawfield and Islay. Source: R. Black

About the speaker

Professor Allan I. Macinnes began his academic career as a lecturer in Scottish History at the University of Glasgow and went on to hold chairs in History at the Universities of Aberdeen and Strathclyde. He has also held a visiting chair in British History at Chicago University. He has written extensively on Highland clans and clearances, Scottish Jacobitism, and British state formation. His current research has tended to focus on Jacobitism, Enlightenment and Empire. He is now an emeritus Professor of History at the University of Strathclyde.

How to participate

This talk will begin at 7.30 pm (GMT) and last up to one hour, followed by questions. As the audience for each talk will be limited to 100, please register in plenty of time by emailing us directly, or clicking the ‘Register’ button above. You will then be sent a code to allow you to join the talk.

  • Participation in these lectures is free to members of the Society and to students.
  • Non-members (other than students) are politely requested to make a donation of £5 to society funds.

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Date And Time

09-Dec-2021 @ 19:30

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