Dunvegan Castle in the Isle of Skye, the home of the MacLeod chiefs, is believed to be
the oldest continuously inhabited house in the Highlands and Islands.
Source: Shutterstock
SHIHR offers regular talks by experts on Highland and Island historical research, one per month from October to March. The content of the talks will usually then feature in short articles in the ‘Lectures’ section of our journal West Highland Notes and Queries.
In some cases we are happy to be able to publish the entire illustrated talk here on our website. You can find these below.
“From Mull to Munlochy”
by Jo Currie
Zoom lecture series no.4
13th January 2022

About Us
Founded in 1972, the Society’s aims are to encourage research into the history of the Highlands & Islands of Scotland and to make this research available to the general public.
Get In Touch
E-mail: info@highlandhistoricalresearch.com
Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/highlandhistoricalresearch